Socionics Small Groups explained easily !



Group Properties

+ Advanced abstract thinking [ELI5]

There’s a famous puzzle called The Bridges of Königsberg, which is a great example of an abstraction. The puzzle was that there are two islands in a river, and several bridges connecting the islands. Could you devise a path through the city that would pass over each bridge exactly once?

If you go to the wikipedia article, you’ll see that the puzzle starts with a detailed map of the city, including pictures of buildings and whatnot. Next, that is simplified to just water, land and bridges. Next, it is further simplified to a few dots connected by lines.

These methods of simplifying the problem are abstractions that were reached by stripping away unnecessary details. First, buildings and streets were removed, and we were left with just islands and bridges. Next, even the islands and bridges were removed, and we were just left with dots and lines. These dots and lines are an abstract representation of the original problem. Once the problem version with dots and lines could be solved, it could be applied to the concrete version of the problems, that is, the version with islands, bridges, buildings, streets, etc.

+ Tendency towards generalizations

+ inventive

+ Interest in scientific research

+ Inattentive to personal and others’ appearance

+  indifferent to daily life [GPT]

+ weak interest in food

Social Role

+ Gather, process, and store information about the objective properties of the surrounding world


Group Properties

+ Insensitive and underdeveloped imagination

+ focused on solving practical, objective problems, including earning money. 

+ Tendency towards managerial and administrative work.

Social Role

Maintain society’s viability in the external environment, manage the extraction and production of material goods


+ Attention to appearance; notices even small changes in looks.

+ Skilled in choosing clothes and accessories.

+ Good appetite. [GPT]

+ Hospitable, practical care for others. 

+ Prefer service industry professions and everyday social interactions.


+ Rich, easily excited imagination.

+ Often interested in culture and art. 

+ Insightful in communication. [GPT]

+ Tendency towards obsessive thoughts and mental images.

+ Emotional instability, manifested as capriciousness, anxiety, timidity, health-related worries, etc.



+ Focused on formal ‘business’ communication with a wide range of people. 

+ High stress resistance

+ high self-esteem

+ tendency towards leadership

+  Directness and bluntness in communication, sometimes to the point of rudeness.

+  Fast speech with few intonations and almost no gestures.


+ Oriented towards informal contact with a wide range of people.

+ Highly sociable.

+ Not shy about loudly expressing emotions in public, and also open to others’ emotions.

+ Skilled at quickly and cleverly reducing communication distance, emotionally engaging the audience.

+ Speech is accompanied by active gestures; when excited, speech becomes disjointed and emotionally charged. 

+ Often loves singing and other forms of expressive self-expression.


+ Aims to minimize informal communication with strangers.

+ Characterized by a large communication distance, secrecy (especially in personal matters), difficulty in initiating contact, inability to entertain an audience, dislike of large noisy events. 

+ High self-control, able to hide excitement and other emotions.


+ Oriented towards deep connections with a small number of close individuals.

+ Gentleness and tact(ie., skill and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues.), especially with strangers.

+ Slow but intonation-rich speech.

+ Sensitivity in the realm of subtle feelings, aesthetics; sentimentality.

+ Typically low self-esteem.

+  Does not aspire to leadership, usually content with a follower position.



+ Originality and independence of views, nonconformism.

+ Curiosity, searching for the unusual in the surrounding world; broad interests, interest in complex tasks. 

+ Positive attitude towards science, intellectuals. Future-oriented, tendency towards altruistic heroism

+ Talkative, likes to answer questions.

+ Often excessively, hardly controllable activity.


+ Conformism and conservatism in views and lifestyle.

+ Negative attitude towards science and intellectuals.

+ More interested in the past than the future.

+ Uncommon state of excitement, enthusiasm; love for a quiet, calm environment.

+ Dislikes being disturbed, troubled, asked questions.


+ Love for physical actions, sports, and physical self-improvement.

+ Engaged in real life, no tendency towards introspection. Euphoric, not prone to depression, apathy, or abulia.

+ Confident in their high reputation.

+ Strives to emphasize their status, show off.

+ Tendency towards self-admiration, love for flattery.


+ Non-sporting. Frequent depression, apathy, abulia.

+  Insufficient persistence and goal orientation – often does nothing to achieve desires; does not fight for or defend rights. 

+ Low self-esteem (believes others and society undervalue their abilities and personality).

+ Avoids participation in public life, management hierarchies.

+ Feels hostility from the external world and society towards themselves.

+ Developed mental speech, tendency towards self-analysis.



+ Need for new impressions

+  quick attention switching

+ difficulty concentrating on one thing

+ positive attitude towards risk

+ Seeking.


– mobile

– impulsive, shifting from apparent inactivity to bursts of energy, often several times a day, showing impatience during them

– walk is energetic but “cat-like”

– often seems optimistic and open-minded

– entertains people easily and naturally


Change of mood from external impressions

First channel of receipt (unconscious)


Psychological level

Flexibility and reactivity; emergency and unreliability

Goal setting

Many external targets

Creative Challenge



+ Active organization, focus, energy. 

+ Prefers to solve problems in advance, not postpone.

+ Moving.


– restless

– difficult to relax unless tired

– walk tends to be quick-paced and “purposeful”, as well as stiff

– evenly energetic with few intense variations in the level of energy during the day

– inclined to fidget when forced to remain inactive for long periods


Short temper

First channel of receipt (unconscious)


Psychological level

Purposefulness and speed; uncompromising and inflexibility

Goal setting

One external target

Creative Challenge



+ Resistance to monotony

+ focus on one thing

+ difficulty with attention switching

+ risk avoidance

+ loyalty in close relationships.

+ Orienting.


– unflappable (def: having or showing calmness in a crisis.)

– rigid but not very fast gait

– may appear passive-aggressive

– usually very stable mood

– more reactive than active

– little inclination to fidget during long periods of inactivity


Stable state

First channel of receipt (unconscious)


Psychological level

Reliability and self-monitoring; inertia and stubbornness

Goal setting

One internal target

Creative Challenge



+ Laziness, relaxation, inertia;

+ postpones decisions

+ ignores problems until the last moment

+ Prefers to adapt rather than change the situation.

+ Adjusting.


– go-with-the-flow

– finds it easy to spend long periods of time in no activity, or at very low levels of energy

– movements are flexible, unhurried

– little inclination towards fidgetiness when having to remain inactive for longer periods


Mood swings for internal reasons

First channel of receipt (unconscious)


Psychological level

Plasticity and harmony; grouchiness and sloth

Goal setting

Many internal targets

Creative Challenge




+ Suitable for understanding objective laws of the world, designing, and creating tools for transforming nature.


+ Suitable for implementing and pushing through one’s ideas, introducing technologies, managing people for objective tasks.


+ Suitable for social manipulation, clashing different interests, and building informal social groups.


+ Focusing on empathy. Responsible for caring for close ones, friendliness, humanitarian interests: helping the needy, caring for living nature.



Time Strategy


Group Description

Prefer stability and regularity

Life Strategy

Careful completion of what started


Distributive. Perceive unevenly through ordered experience, putting some objects or states in the foreground and pushing aside others, which become mere background. Have the hardest time withstanding uncertainty, because they’re deprived of their point of reference – the ability to allocate forces and means to a specific goal. Therefore, they strive to move as quickly as possible to a stable state – either to return to the old one, or to move to the new one. The most organized and punctual members of society. Their share in the collective or social stratum can be used to gauge its stability and commitment to tradition. The things they surround themselves with are fewer than those of the Commutative, but they are maintained in greater order. They involuntarily pass everything newly perceived through their past experience – think by means of eidetic images.


Group Description

Realize opportunities, achieving consumer prosperity here and now

Life Strategy

Realization of goals


Commutative. Very clear, concrete, and tangible perception, which is the closest to reality. In a situation of uncertainty, they are guided by their past experience or proceeds from standard scenarios of events development for these conditions. The world is a mosaic composition, where each pebble can be moved, but not thrown away. The perception of reality turns out somewhat flat, but detailed. They accumulate a lot of things in everyday life, but things are poorly ordered. Well oriented, quickly finding familiar objects or stating movements.


Group Description

Selflessly build or conserve the future, neglecting inconveniences of the current moment.

Life Strategy

The pursuit of the ideal


Dissociative. Reductive perception – refracting any information coming from the outside through the prism of the basic concepts of their worldview. They calmly wait for the future, after having prepared for both positive and negative variants of the outcome of the expected event. The Dissociative are inferior to the Associative in terms of the number of ideas, but superior in terms of their ordering and reduction to a conceptual or “ideological” state. They involuntarily decompose the external picture and then reassemble it, drawing imaginary images that have no prototypes in reality.


Group Description

Spontaneous and dislike regular work, do not value what they already have, seek inspiration in novelty

Life Strategy

Flexible adjustment to the world


Associative. Perception is carried out through arbitrarily generated images. A single detail of a perceived picture evokes an integral ideal image, associating it with its entire content. The system is not a hierarchical ordering according to any criterion, but a comprehensive network connection of everything with everything that has ever come into their field of vision. Good at foreseeing or anticipating the future – trends in events. Behaviorally ready for the most probable event. They have a large number of diverse ideas, but these ideas are poorly ordered, freely flowing from one to another.



Group Properties

Thinks in schemes, not images. Lack of artistic creativity. Takes responsibility on themselves, not on others. Dislikes unproductive time-wasting, ‘wasting life’.
Maintaining one’s objective usefulness.


Group Properties

Lacks restraining ethical considerations in thinking. Tends to live by ‘concepts’ rather than by law. Lacks impressionability, vulnerability, and resentfulness; undeveloped sense of guilt. Untroubled. Casual attitude towards material losses and deprivation.
Achieving more freedom of action.


Group Properties

High normativity in thinking and behavior. Attentive to ethical behavior of others and its alignment with moral and ethical norms (as they understand them). Developed sense of guilt. Easily offended. Often feels anxiety, especially for close people; struggles with losses.
Identification of one’s position with the opinion of one’s group, speaking on its behalf.


Group Properties

Imaginative thinking, artistic creativity. Diplomatic talent: charm, ease of adapting to interlocutors, flexibility in changing behavior and making concessions in suddenly threatening situations. Lacks drive for productivity and practical societal benefit, tendency to shift responsibility to others, ‘wasting life’.
Modifying someone else’s behavior to fit their needs.

Societal Interaction


+ Interested in conflict situations and interpersonal competition

+ expansion of interests by stirring up contradictions in the surrounding world.

+ Prone to anger.

+ Aggressive speech manner and love for public speaking.

+ Tendency to boast.


+ Openness and directness in communication.

+ Cannot tolerate solitude.

+ Loves spending time in large, noisy (predominantly friendly) groups.


+ Conflict-free and peace-loving.

+ Strives to avoid conflicts or smooth them over if unavoidable.

+ Loves moderation and gradual progress in any endeavors.

+ ‘Cocooning’ away from external irritants in a closed world of personal interests and needs.

+ Prefers listening over talking, responds slowly to questions.


+ Drawn to solitude and psychologically resilient to it.

+ Skilled at hiding intentions and true self in society. Often aspires to be the ‘power behind the throne’.



Group Properties

Lack of responsibility, self-centeredness, often ignoring social norms and others’ interests. Low industriousness, prefers leveraging others’ efforts. Dislikes sharing information. View punitive measures as more effective than rewards.


The key factors of the development of events are well taken into account.

Predicted development of the situation. Understand development trends. Take into account the levers of influence and the balance of power. Respond quickly to changes in the environment. The most adequate long-term planning.


Poorly developed methods of action. Not deeply interested in details. Can suddenly change course. No sequence in actions. Takes time to build a complete picture.


Group Properties

Tune into living life according to a plan, not by the situation, without getting distracted by entertainment. Constant mobilization, tension, difficulties with relaxation. Suspicion, subconscious readiness for troubles.


Ability to work within tight deadlines. Ability to navigate in place. Ability to concentrate resources. Strong-willed efforts to purposefully achieve results. Freely delegate tasks.


Hard to turn off the path. Don’t pay attention to the details. Lose resources when processes need to be organized in detail. Get stuck for a long time in case of failure of a strong-willed breakthrough.


Group Properties

Spontaneity, rejects planning, difficulty with time management. Relaxed lifestyle. Not resentful, lacks paranoia.


Freedom of perception. Openness to possibilities. Detailed review of the current situation. Action in real time without prior preparation. Search for a way out of “hopeless” situations. Processing of a large number of unknowns and their combinations in real time. Quick determination of the optimal price / quality ratio.


Instability. Unpredictability. Hard to create a situation. Hard to fit into a hard mode. No long term planning.


Group Properties

Social responsibility, duty-bound, upright. Strives for life in a predictable, stable order.


Careful organization of processes. High quality products. Lots of tools and methods. Detailed program of action.


Vision of the most probable option and preparation for it. Not ready for the unexpected.



Attempt to direct others, acting on behalf of society and limiting others’ initiatives.


Exhibit individual initiative, often bypassing and breaking social restrictions.


Self-critical, doubting everything, capable of self-restriction by their own will.


Conformative. Adhere to societal norms and restrictions.

Economic Role


Well-suited for grasping fundamental truths and developing abstract concepts (including ideological ones).

Responsible for the ability to create fundamentally new ideas;

shaping the overall informational paradigm of individuals and social groups, up to humanity as a whole.

Their ideas are ‘heavier’ than those of negotiators, reflecting the subject’s inner self rather than external environmental dictates.


Well-suited for adapting abstract concepts to real-life situations and applying them to real people.

Skilled at negotiating, finding informational common ground. Facilitates and maintains social consensus.


Focused on finding material resources.

More concerned with immediate consumption and biological survival than sustainable resource reproduction.

Better adapted to life in materially impoverished environments;

often advocates for eliminating overly labor-intensive material excesses and returning to naturalness.


Focused on maintaining the functionality of a large number of complex items, more industrious and attentive to details. Ensures the sustainable reproduction of material resources and the increasing complexity of the technosphere as a whole.

Form of Action


Create and maintain universal conceptual systems, aiming to integrate the surrounding reality into these systems.

Make decisions based on accurate calculation, analysis and hard evidence.

Any question, including relationships between people, tend to be explained with the help of formal logic.

They love people who sincerely experience and know how to express their love in the form of vivid emotions.


Construct algorithms to direct and optimize affairs in accordance with current conditions.

Know better than others how to organize the production process, really “know how to work”.

Know how to see the benefits in the business they are doing at the moment. However, representatives of this small group do not understand their feelings and human relations as well as they would like, therefore they need a reliable partner who will talk about the relationships that develop between people around them and about what feelings he/she experiences.


Establish and maintain informal relationships, considering the individual characteristics of people.

Able to establish good relationships with others. Value moral categories, talk about what is good and what is bad. They like enterprising and business people who will tell them what is profitable and useful.


Synchronize the current internal emotional state (mood) of people and transmit motivation.

Know how to expertly determine the mood of a person, to feel the energy of the team. At the same time, they themselves are able to subtly express admiration, joy, delight, or, conversely, resentment and sadness. Such people are attracted by people of a scientific disposition, they are ready to give the whole stream of their inner experiences to them.



Reality is full of various, often unexpected dangers, requiring advance preparation and insurance (overestimates the likelihood of failure, loss of existing goods).


Reality is full of various goods, requiring straightforward activities for everything to go well (underestimates the likelihood of failure, loss of existing goods).


Reality, even if not immediately apparent, is full of various goods; one just needs to find them (overestimates the likelihood of success, finding new goods).


Reality is simple and, even if not immediately apparent, contains very few goods and many hunters after them; as a result, one must not miss any opportunities and fight for every piece (underestimates the likelihood of success, finding new goods).

Personality Image

Private Initiative

Group Description

Tend towards excessive simplicity and naturalness of personal thoughts and desires.

Group Features

Most aware of the internal integrity and continuity of personality over time, true (not externally imposed) aspirations and needs – both in themselves and in others. Evaluate others based on aspirations, thoughts, and actions as manifestations of their inner essence.

Optimism and self-confidence; associated with the idea of oneself as the owner of an individual will, who can change by actions something in the world around them and other people.


Group Description

Tend towards excessive complication of perceptions about people, idealization, creating cults of personality worship, self-sacrifice.

Group Features

Most aware of the unity of their life with their surroundings. May not understand the finiteness of their individual self, hence more prone to self-sacrifice. Often strive to participate in elite groupings, evaluating themselves and others by their social environment.

Striving for leadership, radicalism and irritable intolerance for other people’s opinions; is responsible for identifying themselves and their actions with the collective will that other people must obey.


Group Description

Tend towards excessive complication of the world view, sublimation of natural thoughts and desires into unnatural forms.

Group Features

Most aware of themselves as separate from others and society. Evaluate others based on their internal complexity and development of unique individuality. Form the basic support group for individual freedoms (will, conscience, self-expression, movement, etc.).

Doubts about the correctness of one’s actions and increased demands on oneself; is responsible for the formation of an individual system of values and individual will as a tool for choosing decisions that are most fair from the point of view of this system.

Social Role

Group Description

Tend towards excessive simplification of perceptions about people, reducing their personalities in their minds to simple understandable roles.

Group Features

Strive to fully match the role they have taken on, being the best, exemplary representative of their chosen group (role, status, rank). Also evaluate others through the prism of their social roles. Do not appreciate excessive complexity in people that does not fit within the framework of their chosen role. Particularly susceptible to social stereotypes (the necessity to keep up appearances).

Law-abiding and unconditional acceptance of the norms of public life; associated with the idea of the presence of a certain collective will, which must be obeyed, without much hesitation and without doubting it.


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